We have collected some useful links from trusted sources to help Ukraine. Please spread this information. If you have more links to any other non-profit organisations – where people can donate or help in any way, please share the link in the comment section. Please only promote trusted & reliable places! We will add all of them to the list.

Especially, if you have any supporting links for refugees from the bordering countries: Poland, Slovakia, Romania & Hungary – share it immediately!

From Ukraine

From Hungary

  • Hungarian Interchurch Aid: ​​https://segelyszervezet.hu/kampanyok/haboru-ukrajnaban/ 
  • Unicef Hungary: https://unicef.hu/veszhelyzet-ukrajnaban 
  • Razom: They are a non-profit organization supporting the people of Ukraine in their pursuit of a democratic society with dignity, justice, and human and civil rights for all. Razom coordinates groups of volunteers and fundraising efforts to build a prosperous Ukraine project by project: https://razomforukraine.org/donate/ 
  • Bridge for Transcarpathia Program: A bridge for Transcarpathia can be supported. The number 1357 can be called,, all calls cost 500 HUF. The account number for donations: 11711711-22222222.
  • We can donate directly from Hungary even via one phone call. We can call the following numbers from any Hungarian number:
    1. 1357 – Híd Kárpátaljáért program / Bridge for “Zakarpattia Oblast” / Transcarpathia Program 
    2. 1358 – Magyar Református Szeretetszolgálat / Hungarian Reformed Charity Service 
    3. 1359 – Magyar Vöröskereszt / Hungarian Red Cross
    4. 1350 – Magyar Máltai Szeretetszolgálat / Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta 
    5. 1353 – Magyar Ökumenikus Segélyszervezet / Hungarian Interchurch Aid
    6. 1355 – Baptista Szeretetszolgálat / Baptist Charity
    7. 1356 – Karitasz / Caritas

From UK

From Spain

From Poland

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6 responses to “Help Ukraine!”

  1. Luca Valli Avatar
    Luca Valli

    I’m putting together a collection of links and resources for refugees, organized per country and type of support.
    I have shared my website here:
    I will keep adding more links and making the website better organized

    1. annaczuczor Avatar

      Thanks so much for sharing!!

  2. #56 Thursday Thoughts: Do You Believe in the Concept of a Global, Shared Grief? – The Grief Reality

    […] find these resources collected from Besides The Obvious. This is a fantastic list of resources for what people from the UK, Poland, Hungary, and Spain (as […]

  3. annaczuczor Avatar

    Thank you!! 🕊

  4. annaczuczor Avatar

    We just also added some useful links to be able to help from #Poland!

  5. harpiytravel Avatar

    Re-blogged it. Great attempt!

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